Ghosts: Season 4 Episode 13 Review

Published on 21 February 2025 at 14:40


Pete offers an old family recipe for Jay to use in the restaurant but it turns out the recipe came from Carol’s family who were in the mafia. Meanwhile, Hetty and Trevor use their new power friends alliance to get their own rooms in the mansion.

Pete’s Family Recipe

Sam is relaying a sauce recipe from Pete to Jay that Jay loves and wishes he could add it to his restaurant. It came from Carol’s family, and Pete says he was sworn to secrecy. However, Sas mentions how Carol was never loyal to him, so Pete decides to let Jay use the recipe for an Italian-Indian fusion. Unfortunately, this leads to Carol’s family coming to visit and noticing the similarities between the sauce there and the sauce at their Italian restaurants.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS

Carol’s family asks Jay to take the sauce off the menu, but he refuses. This leads to Carol informing everyone that her family was in the mob and all of their businesses were fronts for money laundering. Jay agrees to take the sauce off the menu, but Carol’s family returns and uses its mafia standing to push Jay around and “put things on a tab” they don’t intend on paying. Carol tells them they will keep coming back until Jay has to take a loan from them to keep the business open, then take the business, run it into the ground and then burn it for the insurance money. Jay’s dream looks to be going up in smoke.

Pete and Carol

Carol’s revelation continues to shake Pete’s confidence. The woman who cheated on him in life and died on the same property to haunt his afterlife has now undermined the one thing about which he was truly confident. Pete believed he was a good travel agent, so learning the entire business he worked for what a front for criminal activity makes him feel like his one life accomplishment meant nothing.

Recognizing the issue, Pete guilts Carol into standing up for him. When she tries to argue “you don’t go against family,” Pete points out that he was her family and she went against him all throughout life. He points out that he’s spent 40 years in the afterlife, and Sam and Jay are his family, so she’s going against him and his family by not helping them. Eventually, she realizes her decisions in life hurt Pete, but since she knows where the records of all the legal activity are, she can help Sam and Jay get their hands on them.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS

They meet with her cousin and reveal they know everything and will stay quiet if the mafia leaves their restaurant alone. They also find postcards from people who Pete had set up on vacations as a travel agent. Almost every one of them were thankful for Pete proving he was excellent as a travel agent even if the agency he worked for was a front.

Hetty and Trevor

While the rest of this is going on, Hetty and Trevor are putting their duplicitous natures together to enrich their lives. Right now, Hetty is sharing a room with Flower while Trevor is sharing a room with Thorfinn. Flower is in a relationship with Thorfinn, so Hetty convinces Flower to move in with him. From there, Trevor acts appalled at the suggestion and confronts Hetty in front of Isaac and Alberta, who have both been vocal about seeing Hetty and Trevor conspiring and are afraid they have resumed their romantic entanglement.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS

Trevor announces that he and Hetty will share a room so Flower and Thorfinn can be together and he doesn’t have to share a room with the couple. Alberta and Isaac, fearing the relationship returning, act like they are doing a favor by moving in together and letting Trevor and Hetty each have their own room. When it’s all done Trevor and Hetty each got what they wanted. However, Flower figures out what’s going on, but since she died in a drug-induced state and forgets things easily, she forgets what she knows before even leaving the room.


Ghosts keeps finding a way to deliver week after week. The Goodfellas references helped tell a compelling mafia story inside a comedy, especially when Pete mentions it was too violent for him and Thorfinn notes that Paw Patrol is too violent for Pete. Plus, it continues the trend of making Carol one of the worst people in both life and afterlife, which is good because Carol sucks. Still, the series keeps going strong which is why it was announced it has been renewed for not just one but two more seasons. We’ve got more ghostly action to keep us entertained.

Check out Ghosts on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025

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