Disney Parks Film Battle: Jungle Cruise vs. Ratatouille

The Disney theme parks have been a source of fun and enjoyment for families since Disneyland first opened in 1955. Since that time, the Walt Disney Company has incorporated its intellectual property into the parks with attractions based on popular films. The company has also churned out films based on Disney parks attractions. In this battle series, I will compare and contrast films found in the Disney Parks Collection on Disney+ to see which film wins the Disney Parks Film Battle. To start, let’s compare Jungle Cruise and Ratatouille.

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Ghosts (US) vs. Ghosts (UK)

In October 2021, the American version of the show Ghosts debuted on CBS and Paramount Plus in the United States. The show based on a popular British show of the same name grew its own popularity with two successful season airing, so far. However, following the end of the second season in Spring 2023, a third season was unable to get underway due to a writer’s strike and then an actor’s strike. In November 2023, CBS and Paramount Plus began airing the British version of Ghosts in the same time slot the American version aired in previous years.

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