Creature Commandos: Episode 3 Review

Published on 16 December 2024 at 14:27

Cheers to the tin man

G.I. Robot’s history as a Nazi fighter during World War II is revealed as he finally gets to put his skills to use for the team. Plus, viewers learn about how he ended up in prison before joining the Creature Commandos.

Photograph by Courtesy of Max

Fighting Nazis

G.I. Robot fights Nazis alongside his brothers, including Sgt. Rock and Easy Company, during World War II. He is the most effective Nazi-killing machine, saving the lives of his company many times over. His brothers toast to him and he has purpose, unfortunately, that purpose disappears once World War II ends.

Photograph by Courtesy of Max

Later in the 1900s, scientists acquire G.I. Robot and start studying him for the Metal Men. Once the studying is done, the artificial intelligence unit is once again left without a purpose. He wants to be with his brothers and fight Nazis, but there are no more Nazis on the world stage, and his brothers, being human, have all likely died while he continues to live on.

G.I. Robot - Criminal

After being shut off for years, a war memorabilia collector ends up in possession of G.I. Robot. He turns on the robot and decides to bring him to the meeting of a group he’s joined that thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction and wants a better life. As the first speaker gets up, the curtain unfurls to unveil a giant swastika. G.I. Robot recognizes this is a Nazi group and finds his purpose - killing Nazis.

Photograph by Courtesy of Max

Unfortunately, this isn’t wartime or the 1940s, so G.I. Robot is put on trial. He’s determined to be sentient and convicted of 82 counts of murder. That’s how he ended up in prison when Amanda Waller came looking for the creature commandos.

Yes, They Are Nazis

Intercut with the flashbacks showing the origin of G.I. Robot, Task Force M recovers the Bride and Nina from Eric Frankenstein’s home. Gen. Flag wonders why Circe and her Sons of Themyscira quickly abandoned the attack until he realizes the entire Task Force M is away from the princess.

Photograph by Courtesy of Max

The team rushes back while G.I. Robot drags a tub of water so Nina can survive after her helmet was smashed by Circe’s followers. The team arrives and engages Circe and the Sons of Themyscira. G.I. Robot asks Gen. Flag if they are Nazis to which Flag tells him they are. Robot has purpose again as he goes on a “Nazi” killing spree with so many guns shooting it looks like a bullet tornado. Unfortunately, Circe blows him up from behind. Nina finds Robot’s head whose light between his eyes fades as he appears to be smiling saying he died killing Nazis and “Cheers to the Tin Man.”

Capturing Circe

After seemingly killing G.I. Robot, Circe sets her sights on the princess. She has the upper hand and it appears like she’s going to succeed in her mission. Until Weasel and Dr. Phosphorus make their presence felt. Weasel claws and tears at Circe’s, basically biting part of her face off in a truly gruesome moment for this animated series.

Photograph by Courtesy of Max

Dr. Phosphorus uses his powers to burn her face even more leading to her capture. Circe, still able to speak, berates them as she claims they have “doomed the world.” That’s definitely a foreboding statement, but what can it mean in the grand scheme of the DCU?


Much like how episode two revealed enough about the Bride to make viewers invested in her fate, this episode does the same for G.I. Robot. He’s been kinda sad since his introduction with him just asking if everyone is a Nazi, so he can kill them. However, now that we know why and how he lost his purpose, plus how he wound up in Belle Reeve, it’s an even sadder story.

G.I. Robot marks the first perceived death for Task Force M, but given he’s an artificial intelligence, I wouldn’t count him out just yet. Meanwhile, Circe is now captured by the Task Force, but as an Amazonian sorceress, I’m not sure how long she will stay captured. Plus, what did she mean when she said the Creature Commandos had “doomed the world?” I’m eager to see the next episode.

Catch Creature Commandos on Max.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024

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