Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage: Episode 7 Review

Published on 13 December 2024 at 17:25


Georgie and Jim decide to fix up an old mustang while Mandy and Audrey work to turn a home office into a nursery for Cee-Cee. Along the way, Georgie takes an interest in Mandy’s brother Connor.

Georgie and Jim

After breaking a lawnmower and the McCallister’s sprinkler system, Georgie has to fix both and ends up finding an old mustang. Jim and Audrey remain at odds over the car that Jim bought at a police auction but never fixed up. Georgie and Jim work to fix it up, so they can sell it for more than Jim paid for it. That kills two birds with one stone.

Jim and Georgie bond over the car and how George Sr. took time to understand Sheldon’s interests. Georgie encourages Jim to try to bond with Connor, but Connor doesn’t seem to want to bond. This leads to Georgie taking it upon himself to invite Connor on a road trip with him and Jim to get a new part for the mustang.

Mandy and Audrey

While Jim and Georgie are bonding, Mandy and Audrey try to bond. They are working together on the nursery, but it leads to major issues between them. Audrey wants princesses that are more traditionally “girly,” while Mandy wants to buck tradition with something like dinosaurs. They eventually agree on books for an “enchanted library,” but this causes issues when Mandy uses it to take a swipe at Georgie not finishing high school.

Mandy is sick of the shots at Georgie. Audrey thinks Georgie ruined Mandy’s life, but Mandy points out she made the decisions with Georgie that led to her being pregnant and them getting married. However, Audrey gets a more humanizing moment when she reveals she had big dreams but gave them up for married life and motherhood. She’s afraid she’s seeing Mandy do the same thing, and it makes her sad.

Georgie and Connor

The road trip isn’t going as planned either. Georgie wants Jim and Connor to bond, but Conor just wants to listen to his music. When they finally start talking, Jim admits he’s scared because Connor has never had a job and lives above the garage despite being 26. Conor takes Jim’s message literally and gets a job at a diner where they stop after failing to get the part.

Obviously, he can’t work that job, because they live in Medford which is near Houston and the diner is near Plano, which is near Dallas. For anyone who doesn’t know Texas geography, that would be quite the commute. Still, Jim’s scolding reinforces the belief he has that he can never do anything right in his father’s eyes. Georgie takes the time to give Connor a pep talk. Anyone who watched Young Sheldon knows that Georgie knows what it’s like to disappoint his father from time to time. Still, he believes everything will eventually work out for Connor. They return to Medford where Conor tells Audrey he likes Georgie calling his brother-in-law “an amazing person.”


This is the most humanizing episode for both Audrey and Conor. Most episodes paint Audrey as a “monster-in-law” who just hates the man who married her daughter. This episode gives motivations behind her actions. She’s a loving mother who just wanted more for her daughter.

In contrast, Conor has been a passing character, at best, during this show. He’s seen in the kitchen from time to time, but that’s it. This character turns him from a background figure into a full-fledged character. He feels beaten down by his father and just wants to not be seen as a disappointment.

Plus, Georgie and Conor’s growing bond will likely improve his relationship with Audrey. Of course, with his marriage to Mandy doomed to fail, that may make it feel worse when the inevitable end of their relationship arrives.

Check out Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024

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