Star Wars: Skeleton Crew - Episode 3 Review

Published on 13 December 2024 at 15:28

Very Interesting, As an Astrogation Problem

Captain Silvo helps the kids escape and get off the pirate planet. But now they have to find a way to get back to At Attin, and the alien he leads them to seems to be working with the New Republic.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Worried Parents

The episode opens on At Attin where the parents of Win, Neel, Fern and KB are discussing what happened and expressing their fears. Fern’s mother, Fara, is the Undersecetary to the planet’s mysterious Supervisor. She is seeking help from the Republic but the Supervisor’s security droid shows up and tells them no contact will be made because the kids went beyond the barrier.

It’s unclear why the barrier is so important and why the Supervisor is unwilling to contact the Republic. But given that it’s revealed on the pirate planet that the kids have Old Republic credits rather than New Republic credits and the pirates think their planet is a myth, they must not have contact with everything that has happened in with the fall of the old Republic, the rise and fall of the Empire and the installation of the New Republic.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Never Leave a Droid Behind

Back on the pirate planet, the man in the brig, who identifies himself as Jod Na Nawood, escapes with the kids. Some of the kids are wary, but Wim believes he’s a Jedi. Fern and KB both wonder why he was in the cell if he could’ve escaped any time without them. However, he reveals that he could’ve escaped but couldn’t get off the planet without a ship, so it made no sense to leave.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Fern, Neal and KB all make it clear they are skeptical even though he previously made a key float, noting there are several ways other than the Force to do that. Meanwhile, they want to get SM-33 (which spells Smee, Captain Hook’s first mate), the droid from the ship, before leaving. Fern tells Nawood “A Jedi never leaves a man behind.” He points out they’re talking about a droid not a man, and that’s not a Jedi thing. Still he goes to look for the droid while the kids debate about leaving him stranded on the pirate planet.

Captain Silvo

While Nawood searches for the droid, an alert goes out that Captain Silvo, the captain from the pilot episode who lost command of his ship when the crew mutinied, has escaped from the brig. The viewers now know that Nawood is Silvo (although anyone who has ever seen Jude Law in any film could’ve told you that by his gait in that first episode.) He finds SM-33 but also winds up running into an old crewmate who doesn’t know he escaped rather than being released.

Captain Silvo returns to the ship being chased by pirates. He tries to get the ship out of the port but they end up stuck to a fuel line. His former crew realizing he’s on the ship, including Space Urkel, go after him but he gets the ship free and goes to hyperspace while the line goes crashing into the port.

Silvo feeds the kids and starts taking them to an old friend he says can help them. However, the kids start sounding like Star Wars fans theorizing what’s to come as they discuss the belief that At Attin isn’t real and what Captain Silvo may be after. They’ve connected it to some work their planet has done and their Old Republic credits. Now, even Wim, who thinks Silvo is a Jedi, decides not to reveal too much about the credits to him.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.


Silvo and the kids go and visit Kh’ymm, an owl lady that addresses him as Crimson Jack (a pirate in the Star Wars comics). Kh’ymm radios New Republic X-Wing pilots to arrest Silvo and tries to stall them while giving them information. Silvo and Kh’ymm realize the children are the map to At Attin, but Silvo also knows she’s stalling and shoots her and flees.

KB checks on Kh’ymm who tells her to not trust her gut but to trust her head. This ties into an exchange between KB and Silvo earlier where she tells him her calculations reveal he can’t be a Jedi and he tells her not to trust her data pad so much and to instead trust her gut. They arrive at the ship where the children refuse to fly with him until he reveals he’s just as lost as they are and he agrees to work for them.

Escaping the Planet

The ship’s hyperdrive has been damaged (where have I seen that before in Star Wars?), so SM-33 works on fixing it while Silvo takes Wim and Fern as gunners to hold off the X-Wings Kh’ymm called to their location. They work together to fend off the fighters, while Neal sits in the pilot’s seat ready to take off, and KB keeps an eye on the ship’s systems. Wim has been seeking adventure all his life, so he’s having the best time fighting the X-Wings, not realizing this means he’s likely more pirate than Jedi.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Once everything is fixed, the ship takes off into hyperspace. The pilots return to Kh’ymm and tell her they couldn’t risk harming the children just to get Silvo. They also let her know they don’t believe her when she tells them where they are going.


This series continues to dazzle by feeling completely different than any of the other Star Wars projects on Disney Plus while feeling like the most Star Wars project of them all. It’s a bit childish, but most of the time, so is Star Wars. It feels fresh. It feels new. It feels like Star Wars.

Check out Star Wars: Skeleton Crew exclusively on Disney Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024

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