School Spirits: Season 2 Episode 7 Review

Published on 3 March 2025 at 16:34

Anatomy of a Fallout Shelter

Janet escapes Mr. Martin and teams up with Simon to help the other spirits and tell her side of the story. Meanwhile, Mr. Martin, in Mr. Anderson’s body, has found a way to escape Xavier, Nicole and Claire and may be on the run.

Janet turns on Mr. Martin

Mr. Martin approaches Janet and convinces her to join him in a boat. He’s convinced they finally got what they wanted, a second chance at life. However, Janet isn’t on board since she says she’s not getting a true second chance, she’s just taken over someone’s body. Janet tries to convince Mr. Martin to let her go since he’s gotten what he wanted, but when she realizes he won’t do that, she knocks him out and puts him in the water.

Back on land, Simon, Nicole and Xavier are looking for Janet, fearful she may have taken off when Simon gave her a few moments to herself. However, she comes back and tells them she’s ready to go to the school. Simon takes her, so she can meet with the spirits.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

Mr. Martin Attacks Xavier

Xavier and Nicole stay back to clean up the cabin without knowing that Mr. Martin/Anderson has woken up and is back on land. When Xavier takes out the trash, Mr. Martin attacks him and leaves him tied up and adrift in a boat on the lake. Claire returns with Nicole’s brother and they discuss what happened. Claire tells Nicole they saw Mr. Anderson. Eventually, they hear Xavier calling for help and Claire, who is on the swim team, is able to swim out and bring him back to shore.

Katie Yu/Paramount+

They realize Mr. Martin has gotten away and they have no service. They start walking toward a place with better service, and Xavier finally gets through. He’s able to call Simon and relay the information about Mr. Martin/Anderson. At the end of the episode, Mr. Martin/Anderson is seen in a car turning off the path to the cabin. It’s not clear where he is headed.

Spiritual Awakening

While waiting for Simon to come to the school with Janet, the spirits spend time with each other. Maddie and Wally discuss the exit sign she saw in Dawn’s scar. The pair discuss what it could mean when the tension becomes overwhelming and the two spirits get to know each other intimately. Back in the pottery room, Charlie and Yuri are having their own version of a date that mirrors the film Ghost which is ironic since this is a television show about ghosts. They finally spend intimate time together as well.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

Meanwhile, Quinn and Rhonda are discussing their keys and their scars. Once Quinn learned what her key was, she entered her scar and found some of Janet and Mr. Martin’s research. She’s convinced the pair of them were planning on using the other spirits to escape. Rhonda goes to gather the other spirits when Simon comes over the loudspeaker to ask the spirits to gather in the cafeteria as Janet has returned.

Spirits Confront Janet

Everyone meets in the cafeteria and it’s revealed that Janet in Maddie’s body can communicate with all the other spirits. While Wally, Rhonda and Charlie are all seeking answers about their time together, the confrontation is causing turmoil for Maddie, Simon and Quinn. Maddie wants to help her friends who would’ve been trapped with Mr. Martin. Simon wants Maddie to come back to him. Quinn just wants her friends to stop fighting and she chooses to rejoin the band in a loop rather than stay with the arguing spirits.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

Still, the trio gets through to Janet who explains everything that she and Mr. Martin had been doing as the first spirits in the school until Rhonda arrived. Rhonda’s key helped them learn about the scars, and Janet figured out that more time spent in the scars could affect the barrier keeping them contained in the school. Eventually, Mr. Martin wanted to trap the other spirits in their scars, but Janet didn’t want to condemn each to their own personal Hell, so she took it upon herself to be the only one to enter the scars. This caused her to break which is why she jumped into Maddie’s body when she realized Maddie could see her.

Eventually, Rhonda realizes Quinn has left and goes and frees her again letting her know they will be friends no matter what. Simon goes off and argues with Maddie before discussing their futures. Simon tries to call the Northwestern recruiter back to get a second interview following Maddie’s believed death. Meanwhile, the spirits figure out that Mr. Martin’s key wasn’t Janet’s key but he was. They need him back at the school, but thanks to the news just relayed to Simon, that may be easier said than done.


The season is winding down and now it’s up to the spirits and the living to get Maddie out. Janet is back in the school and seems willing to help the other ghosts as she never wanted them to be punished anyway. But what happens next? Maddie and Wally have grown close. Would she choose to stay a spirit and allow Janet to have her body? Or would she return to live her life? How will they get Mr. Martin back to the school and what does it mean for Mr. Anderson? Could they break the barrier and all the spirits be able to wander free from the school? There’s so many questions and I don’t know if one more episode will answer them.

Check out School Spirits streaming exclusively on Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025

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