Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage: Episode 10 Review

Published on 14 February 2025 at 11:56


Georgie’s mother, Mary, comes to visit Cici, but one of her actions leads to an argument with Mandy’s mother Audrey forcing Georgie and Mandy to pick sides in the first fight that could lead to their inevitable divorce.

Battle of the Grandmothers

Mary is over at Jim and Audrey’s house to visit with Georgie, Mandy and Cici. While there, Mary sneaks a picture of her with Cici into a “my first photo album.” After finding the picture, Audrey confronts Mary about her actions leading to a big blow up over the photo album. But the fight between the grandmothers will have repercussions throughout the entire house.

Sonja Flemming/CBS

When Audrey is talking to Jim, he just responds with “okay.” Audrey figures out that Jim thinks she’s at fault for leaving Mary out of the photo album in the first place. Audrey rationalizes an apology due to the tough year Mary has had. Meanwhile, Georgie and Mandy are talking about what happened and both are siding with their own mothers. They are seeing what the other’s mother did wrong but not what their own mothers did wrong.

Audrey’s apology

Audrey goes down to the church to apologize to Mary. At first, Mary seems receptive, but when Audrey mentions the reasons she used to rationalize her apology, Mary takes offense. This causes a bigger blow-up since it’s clear Audrey isn’t apologizing because she realized she was in the wrong but so she can prove she’s a mature person due to Mary’s rough year.

Sonja Flemming/CBS

When Audrey tells everyone what happened at the dinner table, this causes more issues between Georgie and Mandy. Georgie, remembering how his mother can be a bit holier-than-thou, is supportive of Audrey for making the attempt. Mandy, remembering her mother will often only do things to make herself look good and be condescending when apologizing, recognizes what Audrey did and why Mary had a right to take offense. This causes further fighting between Georgie and Mandy which ends with Mandy kicking Georgie out of bed to go sleep on the couch.


Georgie brings Audrey and Cici to talk to the church with Mary to try to heal everything. Pastor Jeff comes down to help mediate the escalating argument between the two grandmothers. The pastor is shocked to learn this argument, that he’s witnessed twice now, is over a child’s photo album. The argument escalates enough that Georgie has to call Mandy down so everyone can work towards reconciliation.

The blow-up continues with Mary and Audrey refusing to give an inch. After Audrey storms out, Pastor Jeff turns to Georgie and Mandy to offer counseling for them. Mandy immediately forgives Georgie so they can get out of there. And Pastor Jeff counts that as a win. They eventually take a page out of Sheldon’s book and draw up a contract to work out bonding time for each with the baby and how to act around each other.

Sonja Flemming/CBS

The episode ends with a big family photo involving Georgie, Mandy, Cici, Jim, Audrey, Mary and Connor with Connor making weird faces that shock Mary while everyone else just ignores him.


It’s a battle between the most unlikeable character on Young Sheldon and the most unlikeable character on Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage, and I don’t want either to win. Audrey is wrong for excluding Mary from the book made for Cici. Mary is wrong for sneaking a picture in rather than just creating her own book of memories with Cici. And their selfishness is causing problems for Georgie and Mandy who already have the deck stacked against them due to their age differences. We know they’ll get divorced, so it’s interesting to see how their mothers are impacting their struggles. It still doesn’t make me like Mary or Audrey at all. If we’re supposed to hate them both, then it’s doing a good job.

Check out Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025

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