A Tire Convention and the Moral High Ground
Jim and Georgie go for a weekend away to a riverboat casino in New Orleans, but Georgie is uncomfortable because he was told it was a tire convention. Meanwhile, Audrey and Mandy bond while their husbands are away.

Jim and Georgie
At the beginning of the episode, Jim tells Georgie he’s going to a tire convention and wants Georgie to manage the shop while he’s gone. After some pushback, Georgie accepts this. However, later that night, when Jim tells the rest of the family the plan, Mandy asks why Georgie isn’t going with him. Jim relents to his daughter and agrees to take Georgie with him. Once they are on the road. Jim tells Georgie there is no tire convention and he’s going gambling at a riverboat casino.

Michael Yarish/2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
Georgie is uncomfortable with this for a variety of reasons: he’s underage, they are lying to their wives and he wasn’t informed before leaving. Eventually he and Jim work out a cover story so they don’t get caught. Jim says it makes him feel better that Georgie doesn’t want to lie to his daughter. Plus, he knows enough about Georgie to know he may be underage but he’s got a fake ID. While the episode doesn’t show any of the gambling, Georgie comes back a winner and Jim does not. Georgie credits his Meemaw with teaching him how to play blackjack.
Mandy and Audrey
With the boys away, the girls will play. Audrey reveals to Mandy that she knows there’s no tire convention and they’re going to a casino. This upsets Mandy because she doesn’t want to think about Georgie lying to her. When she calls the hotel room, Georgie doesn’t fess up, so she and Audrey head out to a bar while Connor babysits his niece.

Michael Yarish/2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
At the bar, Audrey reveals she had a bit of a wild past before settling down. After half of a beer, she’s already buzzed (her tolerance has changed in the years since her past), and telling Mandy how Georgie is actually a good husband. After a short time, Mandy brings her mother home who has lost her shoes. Audrey calls Jim at the motel and tells him she’s drunk. She doesn’t say anything about the casino, so Jim assumes his weekend away is still safe.
Returning from New Orleans
Jim and Georgie return home and have their stories straight for Audrey and Mandy. Georgie also has diamond earrings for Mandy that he bought with the money he won. He says Jim gave him a raise and Jim has to agree to that story to keep his own story covered since he doesn’t know that Audrey knows. Meanwhile, Audrey asks if Jim has something for her and he tells her when she was drunk dialing him that she was insistent he not get her anything. Audrey and Jim continue going about their business and Mandy has diamonds from Georgie.

Michael Yarish/2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
After a really good episode eight, episode nine falls back to the perfectly fine but nothing special trap. There were a few funny moments, and it continues to build up Georgie as a good husband which will make his inevitable divorce from Mandy to be a heartbreaker. Still, the series keeps drawing in viewers, so we’ll be seeing more of the Coopers and McAllisters going forward.
Check out Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025
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