School Spirits: Season 2 Episode 3 Review

Published on 4 February 2025 at 17:58

Can't Hauntly Wait

Simon, Xavier, Nicole and Claire investigate Janet’s burned down home to try to learn more about what she’s doing in Maddie’s body. Janet links up with some college girls as she flees her former homestead. And Maddie’s mother and former teacher bond at AA meetings.

Bingham County

After seeing Janet’s old home burn in the previous episode, Simon and Xavier return to Bingham County with Nicole and Claire. They search the grounds where Simon finds Janet’s grave dug up. He insists it’s proof that Janet is in Maddie’s body, but Claire and Nicole remain skeptical. Xavier talks to police and confirms no one died in the fire, so that means Janet fled before the fire completely consumed the house.

Craig Minielly/Paramount+

Meanwhile, Janet returns to a local store looking for new supplies before hitting the road. However, when it’s time to pay, she can’t find the backpack with money she took from Mr. Anderson. A couple of college girls see her and take pity on her, giving her a ride back to their college where they assume she’s a student who has been robbed.

Reliving the Past

Back at the school, the spirits are still using Janet’s notebook to learn more about her work with Mr. Martin and when the relationship soured. They think back to when Mr. Martin threw a sock hop for Janet’s birthday. Most of the ghosts were too young to know what a sock hop is but they figured out it was a dance to honor her. Charlie, Wally and Rhonda all discuss different moments where things seemed off like when Mr. Martin and Janet danced with each other, when Janet tried to tell Wally a secret and when Janet received a gift from Mr. Martin.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

Rhonda reveals that the present led to a fight. She fled before learning all the details. It was that night when Mr. Martin claimed that Janet had “crossed over.” The spirits put together that their death items which were in the fallout shelter have something to do with “crossing over” and the work between Janet and Mr. Martin. Eventually, Rhonda takes the college acceptance letter she receives and finds a way to the area with the red lighting where Wally saw Mr. Martin. She goes in and confronts the guidance counselor who killed her in the school, scaring the spirit until she gets out of there.

Janet Goes to College

Janet’s ride with the college girls becomes very important. They invite her to a party but she decides to go see the campus. Meanwhile, Claire is staying with Nicole and ends up meeting her brother, Diego, by walking in on him in the shower. Janet is actually at Diego’s college and when he goes back, he sees her, not realizing that it’s not Maddie. Still, he tells Nicole and the gang heads to college to try and find her. Eventually, they see her in the background of a picture at the party and they head over to try to find her.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

As they split up, Xavier and Simon cause a party foul that leads to Simon having to chug from a beer keg, getting drunk. Meanwhile, Nicole spots Janet/Maddie at the party but can’t get to her as security arrives. Janet/Maddie was fleeing the girls she rode with earlier as they caught her leaving with some of their clothes. Outside, Claire spots Janet/Maddie and tells her to come back home to her mother as Claire still hasn’t accepted that Janet’s spirit is in Maddie’s body. When the rest of the gang catches up to her, it provides enough of a distraction for Janet/Maddie to flee. Simon wonders how he will tell Maddie they lost Janet again, but Xavier tells him “we will tell her,” meaning Maddie will know that Xavier at least knows and cares that she’s not in her body.

Sandra and Mr. Anderson

While Maddie’s friends have been looking for her, her mother has downloaded an app on her phone that allows her to know when a body has been recovered. She wants closure and is wanting to identify her daughter. Meanwhile, Sandra has also resumed AA meetings. When she goes to her most recent meeting, Maddie’s former teacher, Mr. Anderson, who had been caught stealing money from the school, is there.

Ed Araquel/Paramount+

Mr. Anderson tells Sandra he didn’t know it was her group, and he would seek out another one for the next meeting. Sandra encourages him to keep going and the two spend time bonding over their shared love of Maddie. After bonding, Sandra returns home. She turns around when she hears someone coming only to see Janet/Maddie approaching her saying, “Mom!”


This series continues to evolve in some crazy ways that keep me on the edge of my seat. I never expected Janet to show up at Maddie’s house to pretend to be her. That’s going to be wild to see what happens. The spirits, and even Simon, keep questioning how they can get Maddie’s spirit back in her body and Janet’s spirit out. How do they plan to do that? Plus, Xavier and Nicole are bonding over the potential of ghosts and don’t know it. This episode features both on a website about ghost encounters. They are both talking about the situation but since it’s anonymous, they don’t know they are talking to each other. What will happen next?

Check out School Spirits streaming exclusively on Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025

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