the not-so-silent partner
Mark threatens to remove his financial investment from Jay’s restaurant if he doesn’t meet the silent investor. Sam hires a con woman to pretend to be the investor. And Hetty learns her family’s deepest, darkest secret.

Ghostly Investor
As Sam, Jay and Mark look at tiles for the restaurant, Isaac rejects the sample they selected. Mark, finally fed up with the input from this investor he’s never met, says he has to meet the investor before moving forward as he’s ready to pull his funds from the project. This put Sam and Jay in a bind. They can’t really tell Mark that a ghost that only Sam can see is the silent investor.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS
Sam and Jay talk about potential actors to hire to play the investor. They keep running into a roadblock because most of the actors they know are part of the same acting troupe as Mark, meaning he’ll know who they are. In the end, the ghosts end up giving Sam an idea that will work but may also create more problems than solutions.
Conning Mark
Back in season two, a con woman, named Kelsey, tried to take Woodstone Manor away from Sam and Jay by pretending to share lineage with Sam giving her a claim to the property. Sam reaches out to her to play the silent investor to help keep Mark on board. She shows up wearing a neckbrace and says she can’t be seen outside without it and hints at insurance fraud as the reason. Still, she’s an accomplished scam artist, so the acting should be a walk in the park.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS
Mark notices a few inconsistencies that leads to Sam and Jay gaslighting his views as misogyny. But the problem comes when Kelsey starts targeting Mark as her next, well, mark. Sam tries to get her away, but she waits outside to trick Mark into investing into her scam. Sam is forced to admit who this is to try to protect Mark’s investment. She also claims to have gone behind Jay’s back saying the investor is actually Jay’s father. This protects Jay’s friendship with Mark and allows Jay to save the restaurant by convincing Mark he told off both Sam and his father. Meanwhile, Isaac agrees to let Sam and Jay use the money without any input making him a true silent investor.
Hetty’s Family Secret
In the B plot, Hetty hints that her family may be related to the British Royal family. In her day, her ancestors had told the family she was from Great Britain. But when Sam takes an ancestry test, it reveals the Woodstones are actually Irish. Hetty rejects this information as she was raised to hate the Irish. But Hetty gets support from a source that is simultaneously the least likely and most likely.
Thorfinn steps in and tells Hetty that her family, who insisted they were British, were doing so because they were ashamed of their Irish ancestry. He recalls when she, as a child, could see him and called him Gordon and how he was there for her then and he’s there for her now. He reminds her that it doesn’t matter if her ancestry is British or Irish as we are all just people, except Danes. Oh well, he is a Viking, after all.

Bertrand Calmeau/CBS
The episode advances the plot but does so in a way that just doesn’t work for me. The attempt to pull the wool over Mark’s eyes that was always going to blow up in their face didn’t land for me. I wasn’t amused or enthralled. While it helps show growth for Isaac, the rest of it was uninspired and honestly, the gaslighting felt completely unnecessary.
I was more interested in the Hetty being Irish subplot despite it having very little to do with the overall story. It showed a growing bond between Hetty and Thorfin. It’s also interesting that when Flower demanded to know a secret from Thorfinn over Christmas that he chose to reveal the secret of Sas’ virginity rather than Hetty’s ancestry despite one being far more embarrassing if revealed to the wrong person. Overall, this episode just felt disappointing.
Check out Ghosts on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025
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