diet crap
After Georgie brings in commission for a new tire deal for the shop, Mandy gets jealous at how much money Georgie is bringing in compared to her. Meanwhile, Mandy’s father and brother start bonding after years of being at odds with each other.

Georgie’s Makes Mandy Jealous
The episode starts with Georgie announcing that a local school has agreed to make McAllister’s the only shop where they get tires for their buses. This brings in a nice commission that Georgie references will help them with the credit card debt Mandy acquired over the years. This makes Mandy feel bad because the debt is her fault, plus a 19-year-old with no education is making more money than her even though she’s a college graduate who once worked as a TV meteorologist.

Sonja Flemming/CBS
Mandy’s jealousy is only heightened by the fact that her diner job is taking her away from her family and not bringing in much money. The show highlights it by showing her waiting on a customer who ordered tea and nothing else. He drinks slowly and asks for more hot water and a lemon, both of which are free, while rejecting a second tea bag because it’ll cost money. This causes Mandy to seek out a new way to make some money.
Mandy’s Sales Job
Mandy listens on the radio as she learns about a job that allows her to be a salesperson for a multi-level marketing diet pill business. It’s a pyramid scheme. She’s excited at the potential to make more money especially as she wants to make as much as, if not more than, Georgie. Of course, she needs his entire commission to buy the startup for the business.

Sonja Flemming/CBS
Her first day is a colossal failure as she tries to go selling door-to-door but potential customers reject her constantly and she even accidentally starts a fight between neighbors. She decides to set up in front of a grocery store, just like the girl scouts, but she keeps getting ignored doing this. Georgie swings by to show her support and tries to give her advice on how to sell, but this angers Mandy as she wants to do it on her own. This gets worse when her only sale of the day is actually made by Georgie when he does the very things he tells her to do.
Mandy’s Successful Sale
The next day, Mandy’s at Cici’s doctor's appointment where she connects with a group of mothers who are having the same issues in life she is. They want to be more than just mothers but feel like they don’t contribute. This connection allows Mandy to start making sales and lets her know what she needs to do to be successful as a salesperson. The great irony is she’s doing exactly what Georgie told her to do, so he fixed her issues even though a major plot point of the episode was she didn’t want him to fix things for her.

Sonja Flemming/CBS
Meanwhile, Georgie went to the library and checked out the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Mandy asks why he’s reading it, and he says he’s working to understand why what he did was wrong when he was trying to help. The book is boring but helps him understand that she doesn’t want him to fix it, she wants him to validate her. Still, he gets himself in trouble with his take on the book but tells her “whatever you’re feeling, I validate it.”
Jim and Connor
In the B plot, Jim, Audrey and Connor all work to grow different parts of their relationship. Audrey has always coddled Connor because he’s her baby boy, much in the same way that Jim coddles Mandy. Meanwhile, Jim thinks Connor can do more and says they should start with him doing his own laundry since he’s 26. Audrey agrees that’s reasonable and tells Jim to tell him.
Later, Jim and Connor are talking as Connor is starting his laundry. Connor reveals he knows what to do, but he let Audrey do his laundry because nobody asked him. Jim asks Connor to do more chores around the house, and Connor agrees. Audrey comes home to find Connor doing chores and bringing his dad a beer. Audrey hates not being able to coddle him anymore.

It’s a nice tie-in to the last episode of the first half of the season where Connor felt like everything he did made Jim mad. Jim loves his son but was fearful Connor was lazy or dumb. This episode hints that Connor would be fine but Audrey feels like she needs her baby to still depend on her. It’s growth for Jim and Connor while making Audrey continue to look bad. Maybe that’s a bit unfair given she’s proven to be a loving mother, but she's also proven not to be likable. and as she’s been set up as a foil for Georgie, it’s nice to see her not succeed at something.
This is only the second time since Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage started airing on the same night as Ghosts that I laughed more at this show than the latter. That’s a good sign for this show that has been more miss than hit in its first season. When it works, it works and I genuinely enjoyed this episode. I hope we get more episodes like this and less like some of the weaker earlier entries.
Check out Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025
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