After escaping Jod’s betrayal, the kids find themselves down the mountain from the ship. But working on a plan to get back to it leads to the kids splitting up as both pairs find themselves with differing opinions. Meanwhile, Captain Brutus and what’s left of his crew capture Jod and put him on trial.

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Escaping the Pirates
At the end of the last episode, Wim triggered a booby trap that inadvertently helped the four children escape Jod’s clutches. After sliding down tubes like a space version of The Goonies, Fern, Wim and Neel respond quickly but KB doesn’t move. Fern has the boys help reset KB’s augmentation device and she’s able to start moving. However, something is clearly off.

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The kids see X-Wings in a dog fight with pirate ships near the planet. Neel and Wim remember Jod telling them those ships were the bad guys but KB also remembers Kh’ymm identifying them as X-Wings. Knowing what they are called changes Wim’s mind because the old stories he heard described the X-Wings as the hero ships. However, all the ships are deeply involved in the fight and never see the kids.
Knowing they now have to fend for themselves, they recognize they are not far from the ship. KB reveals she knows the coordinates to their home planet after they were shown in the previous episode. Fern wants to climb the mountain, and Neel is willing to go with her. However, Wim wants to follow these trash crabs that have surrounded them pointing out they are native to the planet and could be helpful. KB is clearly upset with Fern and chooses to go with Wim leading to the pairs splitting up.
Wim and KB
While following the trash crabs, Wim is curious as to why KB, who up to this point has seemed to be all in with Fern, would choose his idea over hers. KB reveals the atmosphere on Lanupa, the luxury spa planet, has corroded her augmentations making it hard to move or speak. If she doesn’t change the parts, she’ll die. She understood following the trash crabs would likely lead to some cast off wires that could be used to fix the augmentations.
KB talks Wim through the procedure, and he helps her regain the ability to move. KB also reveals that since the accident that requires her to need the device, Fern has never treated her like she’s different, and while that’s great most of the time, it backfires in situations like climbing the mountain because there are things KB just can’t do.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Meanwhile, the trash crabs have led the pair to their home where a giant trash crab awaits. This crab has no interest in helping and starts attacking the kids. The smaller crabs are trying to hold the pair there while Wim and KB fight off all the crabs. This leads to one of the funniest lines of the series when Wim, filled with both naivety and self-awareness says, “How am I always wrong about who is the good guy?”
Fern and Neel
Fern and Neel’s journey looks to be more perilous as they climb up the mountain. Neel, looking like an elephant creature, can’t climb as fast as Fern. She’s now having the same trouble with him she had with KB, but he’s able to explain why he physically can’t do what Fern can. They reach the ship only to find it being hauled away because the pirates have captured Jod/Silvo and taken him and SM-33 hostage. The operators of the spa are hauling the ship to the trash dump.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Fern and Neel jump on the smaller hauler vehicles and try to steer their ship away from its destination. They spot Wim and KB fighting for their lives against the giant crab and manage to steer it over there, allowing Wim and KB to jump on before they crash into the trash pile. The pairs reunite with KB explaining to Fern what the issue was and both reaffirming they are still best friends. After the four are all happy to be together again, they see a trash incinerator ready to destroy their ship and have to jump into action to save it.
Neel climbs in the pilot’s seat while Wim mans the guns and KB goes to work on the engines. Fern sits in the captain’s chair relaying orders and leading the kids to work as an actual crew. That’s when an important button revealed earlier in the series becomes important. Fern hits the “emergency hull demolition sequencer.” This button blows off the hull that looks ragged and destroyed and reveals the ship to be nearly pristine. The kids can now fly home and reunite with their families.
Pirate Tribunal
Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, Jod and SM-33 have been captured by Captain Brutus and his crew. This scene reveals that Brutus and Space Urkel along with the bounty hunter that turned Jod in weren’t in the room when the acid pool was refilled that killed many others. Jod comes out covered in gold but is put on trial. Brutus sentences Jod to death, but pirate law requires he be given equal time to present his case.

CREDIT: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Jod sings the old song about Tak Rennod and At Attin. He tells the pirates the old legend is true, and those kids were from the planet that still makes Old Republic credits. He reveals the credits to the crew. Once equal time is up, Space Urkel tasers Jod but Brutus says they will follow him to At Attin. If he’s right, he will live. If he’s not, he will die.
This may be the best episode of the series so far. It puts the majority of the focus on the children and shows how the ups and downs they’ve been through could tear them apart or bring them together. Plus, it’s really our final backstory episode for the kids. We’ve learned a little bit about each in previous episodes, but KB has been mostly a mystery until now. This episode reveals she was once a human with no augmentations like Wim and Fern, but an accident required her to get them, or she would die.
This episode also brings the children full circle. They are back on the ship and alone again, but the ship is in better shape than the one they left on. Fern has learned how to lead. Wim stepped up to be a hero for KB just like the Jedi. KB may need the augmentations that limit her physically, but they provide her with what is essentially a computer on her eye that allows her to record much needed information that others can’t. Neel is the heart of the team and the glue that holds them together. They are stronger now and can return home. They also can prepare At Attin for the coming pirates.
Check out Star Wars: Skeleton Crew streaming exclusively on Disney Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2025
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