The Watchers Council takes Uatu prisoner, so Captain Carter forms a team to work together to try to save their Watcher as Marvel’s animated anthology series comes to a close.

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What If... The Watcher Disappeared?
The first episode of the two part finale starts in a universe where Nebula is leading the Ravagers along with Korg and Groot. A ship arrives surprising them when Captain Carter pops out and warns about universal threats. They are joined by Kahhori, Byrdie (the half-human, half-duck child of Howard and Darcy), and a Thor-version of Storm. After saving the universe, the group is almost hit by falling shards from when the Watchers Council attacked this universe’s Watcher, Uatu.

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The team of heroes bands together to try to use the shards to rescue the watcher. Eventually, Captain Carter reveals the Watcher’s dimension had been broached once previously by Infinity Ultron. The team weighs the pros and cons before Captain Carter sneaks away to find Infinity Ultron to not risk her team. She ends up being captured by the Watchers Council and Infinity Ultron agrees to help the rest of the team reach the Watchers’ dimension.

What If… What If?
The second episode of the two part finale featured a lot more plot progression. It begins with one of the watchers teaching Uatu about their duty and swearing him in. However, this is just a reminder vision in his head as the watchers point out he violated his oath and while interfering would also violate their oaths, they also took an oath to protect the sanctity of the Watchers which would take precedence here.

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They bring in Captain Carter and reveal that Uatu will answer for his crimes and hers. However, Infinity Ultron arrives with the rest of Captain Carter’s team. This version of Ultron chooses to be a hero and lets the team escape with Uatu while trying to hold off the rest of the Watchers. The team tries to flee to the universe created by Steven Strange to ensure the Watchers have no power, but the Watchers overpower Ultron and manage to stop the team’s escape.
The Watchers have the team on the ropes, so Uatu has them take the Oath of the Watchers so they are now on equal footing with the other Watchers. The two teams end up in a massive battle, but it looks like the Watchers are going to win.

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As variant versions of each character are pushed out, Captain Carter decides she won’t lose her team and manages to power through the other Watchers. She gives up her life to save her team and send the Watchers to the Steven Strange dimension. From there, the team remembers Captain Carter for her sacrifice. Meanwhile, Uatu tries to teach his former Watcher mentor about the new future as they sit in a universe with no power.

This was a weird finale that was very much a letdown. First, if that’s what we’re going to get, this season should’ve only been seven episodes. The Watcher disappearing felt more like the first half of an episode than an actual episode. Still, it was slated as its own episode. Combine the final two episodes. The Watcher’s plot was decent, but almost all of it still revolved around Captain Carter. I loved Peggy Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger. I liked Peggy Carter in Agent Carter. I was fine with Captain Carter appearing in a few episodes of this series and Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but they went to her well too often and milked her appearances dry.

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There was so much potential with this series, and at times, it hit it. The Zombies episode in season one was fun. I liked the 1600s Avengers in season two. And the Agatha and Kingo episode in season three was the best of the series in my opinion. But too much of the rest of it was disappointing. I didn’t care about the episode that introduced Birdie, although some folks went way overboard in their hate of it. I was bored through the Kahhori introductory episode. Meanwhile, Thor Storm had so much potential and we only see her in the final two episodes. Give me more of her and less of the other two characters I didn’t care to see.
Check out What If…? streaming exclusively on Disney Plus.
The overall series gets a rating of:

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024
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