Ghosts: Season 4 Episode 3 Review

Published on 1 November 2024 at 14:26

Halloween 4: The Witch

Patience, the Puritan ghost, believes Sam is a witch and asks the rest of the ghosts to hold a witch trial.

Jay Opposes Halloween

Sam wants to get the mansion ready for Halloween, but the updated technology leads to Patience accusing her of being a witch. Jay encourages Sam to take a break from Halloween due to their previous bad luck on the day (Thor set the gazebo on fire, a ghost returns from Heaven, Carol dies on the property), and Patience’s presence on the property along with her blood power freaks him out.

Sam agrees to take Halloween off but still dresses in one of Hetty’s old dresses so that she can pretend she’s wearing a costume modeled after Bridgerton. Meanwhile, Patience pushes for the ghosts to hold a witch trial for Sam. Since she canceled Halloween festivities at Jay’s behest, the ghosts decide it’s a way to have fun and go along with it.

The Witch Trial

During the trial, Patience makes a compelling case when she talks about how Sam can communicate with the dead, in this case the other ghosts. Of course, she undercuts her arguments when discussing toast. Meanwhile, Isaac advises Sam she may want to make a case for herself. She refuses and the ghosts vote to convict her as a witch. Patience then says she’s been sentenced to stone, and that’s where the fun comes in.

During this event, Sam and Jay have been hosting a yard sale. When Hetty, Trevor and Alberta go outside, they see a stone statue that looks very similar to Sam in the Bridgerton dress. They become convinced that Patience, who has shown the power to drain blood from the walls, also has the power to turn people to stone. However, when Jay starts discussing selling the statue, the ghosts jump into action to try to save Sam.

Jay Sells Sam?

Trevor runs to the iPad to text Jay the statue is Sam, but Jay doesn’t get it until after he sells the statue. Jay calls police trying to discover to whom he sold the statue but ends up looking like a stalker instead. Meanwhile, Pete was able to follow the customer’s truck for a while and gets a website name to which Trevor navigates. Together they figure out the customer plans to destroy the statue and send the video to Jay.

Jay and Pete go to the customer’s place and get the statue back. Meanwhile, Isaac has lured Patience into a trap. They have found something that Patience considers shameful on the television. Isaac convinces Patience to watch to “bear witness” and then uses her sin against her to get her to lift Sam’s conviction. However, as the ghosts celebrate, Flower hugs Jay making him act like he’s high. Jay stumbles into the statue knocking it over and convincing him he’s killed his wife.

Sam’s Return

Of course, Sam wasn’t really turned to stone and returns while Jay is crying over the statue. She reveals that she sold a table to their neighbors, the Farnsbys, during the yard sale and had taken it to their house to help them set it up. Their neighbors are swingers and had Sam set it up in several different rooms including one Sam would like to forget.

Jay fawns over Sam telling her how much he loves her and everything she loves. The ghosts also discuss how much they love having Sam. During this time, Patience says she plans to go back into the dirt because there is too much sin in the open. Sam tells her she supports women, so she supports Patience’s decision. The ghosts pretend to be sad, but Jay doesn’t hide how happy he is Patience is leaving. Of course, Patience strikes fear in everyone’s hearts, except for Jay, when she says she’ll return to the dirt “with the others.”


Ghosts continues to be one of the true sitcoms that delivers week after week. It’s very difficult to sideline the character who serves as the conduit between characters that can’t truly interact and still deliver comedy, but this show manages to do it every time they try it. There are some funny gags like Pete’s insistence to remind people he could leave the property every time he discusses his power never disappoints. But it’s the heart between all the characters that drives this show. Without the heart, it would only be okay. But the heart makes it the best comedy on television today.

Check out Ghosts on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024

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