Isaac's Wedding
Isaac and Nigel walk down the aisle, but a living person may come between the two ghosts’ matrimony in the season finale of Ghosts.

Isaac and Nigel
Isaac seems to be having cold feet as he dreams about the stripper that attended his bachelor party. This becomes more complicated when the DJ hired by Jay for the wedding turns out to be the same man. Nigel tries to reassure Isaac, but the stripper/DJ’s presence creates major problems for the Revolutionary War ghost.
While Sass also tries to reassure Isaac, one of the worst possible things that could happen does. The DJ eats food to which he’s allergic and has to receive medical treatment. Isaac gets hopeful the in-shape, dinosaur loving man will die and become a ghost. This creates a tension between the couple that spills over into the ceremony. But what finally brings the nuptials to a halt is not a living person but the return of a friendly ghost.

Welcome Back Pete
While the ghosts prepare for the wedding back at Woodstone Manor, Pete is in St. Lucia on a vacation with his living family. He meets a ghost there who helps him feel more alive than he did when he was actually alive. However, there is a problem, Pete starts disappearing. Pete must make a choice, stay with Donna and disappear or go back home and see if that helps his body return.
Pete, obviously, chooses to return to Woodstone Manor. He decided that he didn’t want to miss his ghost family. Still, he spoke about Donna’s importance to his feelings and that led to Isaac deciding not to marry Nigel. Isaac may have been a ghost for 300 years but he just discovered who he is now. Pete helped him recognize the issue.

New Ghost for Season 4
The episode also loosely introduced Patience, the Puritan ghost who got lost in the ground when Sass, Thor and Isaac got trapped in a hole with her during the 1800s. Isaac let go of her hand to sneeze while in the ground and she was lost to the dirt. Flower hinted that Patience visited her in the well while she was down there. But Patience found her way to the Manor’s basement.
This plays into the fact that Isaac and Nigel snubbed the basement ghosts. They weren’t invited to the wedding, so the basement ghosts were all too happy to hand Isaac over to Patience when she asked for him. The season ends with Patience saying “God Bless You” and dragging Isaac into the ground. What could this mean when Ghosts returns?
Season Rating
The writers’ and actors' strikes truncated much of this television season. Some shows thrived while others struggled. Ghosts certainly thrived overall. The showrunners found a way to make almost every episode matter since they only got 10 instead of 20 to 24. They worked around not having Flower for several episodes. Sheila Carrasco was pregnant so they wrote around her absence.

Most of the original characters’ backstories have been revealed so they are finding creative ways to introduce new ghosts. You can’t just have people die on the grounds and still try to run a business. Yes, they were able to kill off Carol to make her a ghost, but they introduced Patience through an interesting storyline that allowed her to make an appearance while seeking vengeance. We’ve also seen ghosts return through seances, ghosts tied to vehicles and ghosts tied to people. They’ve opened up ways to evolve storytelling. That’s good work.
Be sure to check out the first three seasons of Ghosts on Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024
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