The Woodstone Manor ghosts return for the fourth season of the acclaimed CBS sitcom, Ghosts. The series picks up immediately after the failed wedding that ended season three. But a former ghost that only Isaac, Sass and Thor knew has made her return.

Last season, the other ghosts alluded to the Puritan ghost, known as Patience, a few times. When they found Flower stuck in a well, Sass, Thor and Isaac explained how they were trapped in a hole with Patience and had to make their way through the ground, but Isaac let go of Patience’s hand and she was lost to the ground. Flower later revealed that Patience would sometimes visit her in the well. Season three ended with Patience grabbing Isaac from the Woodstone Manor basement.

Patience drags Isaac to the hole where she now lives, and she describes her more than a century in the ground and the two appear to bond over being lonely. This leads to Patience snatching Sass and the pair trying to placate her. She thinks they are renewing their friendship until she hears the pair making fun of her. She takes them back to the basement and leaves to her solitude.
Flower and Thor
Some of the best humor from the episode comes from the couple of Flower and Thor. Flower is trying to remember where Patience told her she lived but keeps remembering popular songs from the 1960s. She references both the Beatles and Cream with songs about locations where she suggests Patience may live. It’s some of the best levity in the episode.

Meanwhile, Thor, recognizing that he was with Isaac and Sass when they lost Patience, fears he’s next to be taken. However, since he’s a fearsome Viking, he tries to play it off like he’s not scared. But Thor keeps trying to avoid getting too close to walls and sounds lead to him whipping out his sword and cutting off Trevor’s hand.
Rescuing Patience
After Patience returns Sass and Isaac, the pair couldn’t have two more different reactions. Isaac tries to revert back to who he was before being taken despite promising to be a better ghost if he managed to escape. Sass, however, sees Patience as lonely and wanting to be with friends. He pushes for the ghosts to pull Patience from the ground and let her live in Woodstone Manor.
Trevor, who Thor has been mocking to compensate for his own fears, comes up with a plan to reach Patience. Using the basement ghosts, all of the Manor’s haunting spirits form a ghostly chain. Trevor anchors the chain allowing Isaac and Sass to reach Patience and pull her to the manor. The episode ends with Patience sharing a room with Alberta and trying to bond with her roommate.

Ghosts has been one of the strongest sitcoms on CBS since it debuted in the Fall of 2021. Based on a British series of the same name, the American version of Ghosts has truly blossomed into its own show with its own strengths and weaknesses. Season three is usually a litmus test for a show like this to see if its great early start was just due to the source material or if it has legs on its own. But Ghosts had a truncated third season due to strikes in Hollywood. So, season four will have to serve as the show’s litmus test.
This was a solid episode that managed to hit the important notes of heart and humor this series has managed to hit for three seasons previously. The return to more than 20 episodes means more fun with the ghosts but also can mean more filler. I enjoyed the lack of filler in season three’s ten episode run. I hope there’s not a lot of filler this season. But the start works for me.
Catch Ghosts on CBS and Paramount Plus.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2024
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