No Magic at the Dinner Table
The Mad Santa is still trying to recover his powers and figures out a trip to the North Pole could restore those powers and help him in his quest to re-assume the mantle of Santa Claus. Meanwhile, Cal and Sandra are bonding as siblings while struggling with their new powers. This leads to a situation where the Claus kids return to the regular world and accidentally leave behind a way for the Mad Santa to return to the North Pole.

More Magical Creatures
While the Mad Santa and his gnome are trying to figure out how to return to the North Pole, it’s the marketing ploy of “North Pole Magic” at Santopolis that lets him know what he needs. This allows for another magical creature, the Easter Bunny, to make an appearance as it is almost Easter in the real world.
It’s always great to see the other mythical and magical creatures, and it was fun seeing Tracy Morgan as the Easter Bunny. The interactions between the Easter Bunny and the Mad Santa carried that segment in a genuinely funny way. While the show can be cheesy, Eric Stonestreet and Tracy Morgan figured out how to turn that cheese into something great.

Jealousy & Reconciliation
Some of the best moments in this episode feature the mother-daughter relationship between Carol and Sandra. Carol is proving to be jealous of Sandra’s training with La Befana. Carol wants to be there for her daughter, but Sandra is going through something that Carol will never understand.
La Befana is able to reassure Carol that Sandra will always need Carol while Sandra’s need for La Befana is only temporary. This allows for a nice reconciliation between Carol and Sandra.
Sandra and Cal also have typical sibling issues heightened by the powers they are developing and how Scott seems to be more supportive of Cal than Sandra believed Carol was for her. Still, Cal and Sandra also reconcile, although that will lead to the Big Bad of the season becoming a bigger threat due to their actions together.

Heartbreak & Arguments
Sandra and La Befana end up having an argument when Sandra accidentally transforms the Easter Bunny into an actual bunny. At first, La Befana believes Sandra is trying magic she’s not ready for without her. However, once they learn that Sandra is just more powerful than expected and can’t control her magic, La Befana wants to slow down training. It’s understandable but leads to major issues between the pair.
Meanwhile Santa is eager to support Cal, this will lead to some disastrous consequences for the family and the North Pole. Cal has been missing Riley, so once he and Sandra reconcile, the pair decide to take the sleigh to visit Riley. It’s been months since Cal and Riley saw each other and there’s been no contact, so Riley breaks up with Cal. In response, Cal blames his Santa training for the end of his relationship and starts voicing frustrations for his father.
While it was great to see reconciliation between Sandra and Carol, the next meeting between Scott and Cal looks like it’s going to be less than pleasant. However, there’s another issue. Cal and Sandra didn’t realize they left a scarf behind and the Mad Santa finds it, setting up his return to the North Pole.
This episode is the perfect halfway point for this series. While Santa is training his son to be his replacement, a former Santa is ready to come take the mantle back. There’s the inevitable falling out and the mistake that put the Mad Santa into a position of power. The only real problem is the lack of Betty. While an important part of episode one, her journey into the human world has taken a backseat to everything else. While that makes sense to a degree, it’s also clear she will be important in Santa’s effort to stop Mad Santa, so we should see more of what she is doing right now.
Still, this remains a fun and cute holiday series.
Check out new episodes of The Santa Clauses on Disney+.

Article Written By: Jeremy Brown for Stelmach Brown Media 2023
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